Mobile Management

What is Mobile Management?
You’re constantly on the go; so you need a ChMS that can go with you. Mobile Management makes it possible to view, update, and use all of the tools you love from Church Office Online right from your smartphone. You’re not tied to a desk, you’re free to get out knowing that your church management software is just a few taps away. Bonus: It’s responsive on mobile! You don’t have to zoom in and hope for the best because this system is built to work well on your phone.
How to make the most of your ChMS on the go
1. Update member and guest profiles
Don’t wait to get back to your office to change the address of a member who moved. Do it straight from your phone.
2. Keep track of attendance records
Keeping track of group attendance has never been easier. Encourage leaders to take attendance straight from their phones, saving your team time.
3. Stay in contact wherever
Need to remind a volunteer of an uncompleted task? Or, send a push notification canceling due to weather? All this and more is possible using your mobile device.
4. Sync contacts to your phone
Download member phone numbers straight into your phone contacts so you are always just a few clicks away from reaching anyone in your church.
5. Make changes with confidence
Because the software is mobile responsive, you can make changes with the confidence that everything you did on your device was captured and will be waiting on your computer, too.
6. Increase time for ministry moments
Ministry happens everywhere. Easily access what you need while you’re away from your desk. Let software support, not hinder, human interactions.